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Songs about Australia

This page lists a number of songs that mention Australia.
Population: 26,032,400.

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songs about AUSTRALIA
Advance Australia Fair National Anthem

Australians all let us rejoyce, for we are young and free
Aussie As Matt Scullion

It’s a hundred different cultures all rolled into one, it’s calling Barry Baz, Sharon Shaz, it’s Aussie as
Aussie Jingle Bells Bucko & Champs

Oh, jingle Bells, jingle Bells, jingle all the way, Christmas in Australia on a scorching summer’s day, hey
Australia Amanda Palmer FEATURED! Or I could go to Australia and carry a bowie knife
Australia Bedroom Philosopher
Australia, in the scheme of things, you’re the Tasmania of the world
Australia The Bicycles Down that old coastline it was the best time that I’d known, tell me how far should I go for your love, oh Australia
Australia Coloured Stone Oh Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, I’m on my way to be the best I can
Australia G Flip And I hope that you are happier, are you back home in Australia?
Australia Gyroscope Such a perfect island, tucked away in the sea
Australia The Hippos Yeah we can make it down a gentle stream, Australia
Australia Isla Grant
As I travel through this wondrous land a wealth awaits for me
Australia Jonas Brothers She won’t break my heart cause I know she’ll be from Australia
Australia JP, Chrissie & The Fairground Boys
And I’m legless, and you’re finally here, Australia, oh-eoh, o-eoh, oh-oh
Australia The Kinks
So if you’re young and if you’re healthy, why not get a boat and come to Australia
Australia Laura Jean
The Australian dream falls off the edge
Australia Manic Street Preachers
Sleep for a while and speak no words in Australia
Australia The Men They Couldn’t Hang
Now you’re off in Australia, have you opened new doors, we said keep in touch but we don’t write so much
Australia Science For Girls
I wanna live in Australia, I wanna do like the Aussies do
Australia The Shins
But you’ll be pulled from the ocean, but just a minute too late. There is no mention of Australa in the lyrics, despite its name
Australia Will Driving West
Chasing clouds in South Australia, trying to get back on track
Australia Downunder Jimmy Little
We were born in a land, in a land they call Downunder
Australia Down Under Our Home Kathy Sunners
The beauty of our deep oceans and our golden beaches too
Australia Is Another Word For Free John Williamson, Warren H. Williams & Amos Morris
I can’t help it if I’m proud to be Australian, Australia is another word for free
Australia Is His Name Slim Dusty
In the blooded test of courage raw, Australia is his name
Australia (Life Is Easy For Me) Mitchell Shadlow
Life is easy for me, easy for me, yeah it’s easy for me, it’s practically free
Australian Boy Lee Kernaghan
Kickin’ up a dust storm, blowin’ off steam, I’m an Australian boy
Australian Heart Ray Burton
The mystery of Australia will make you want to stay
Australian Kind Of Beautiful Matt Scullion
She’ll steal your attention like a Darwin setting sun, she’s Australian kind of beautiful
Balladeers Of Australia Slim Dusty
Balladeers of Australia, I dips my lid to you, to your memory, I dedicate this song
The Ballad Of Oz Daddy Cool
They planted a flag for a God and a King, it was the first Australia Day
Beards Across Australia Unite The Beards
Beards across Australia unite
Bush Poets Of Australia Slim Dusty
Bush poets of Australia write the stories that we love
Cassy O George Ezra
Well, I traveled to Australia and I traveled there by train, this something might sound strange to you but on the way I gained a day
Christmas In Australia Matt Scullion
Christmas in Australia is my favourite time of the year
Christmas Photo John Williamson
Oh it’s December in Australia, time to remember all the family, Christmas tree, native pine, lights and tinsel all entwined
Convict Streak Dave Warner’s From The Suburbs
I’m Australian, so are you, it doesn’t matter if you’re Ding or Jew
Deadly Animals Scared Weird Little Guys
Come to Australia, you might accidentally get killed
Destination Australia Rita Schneider
I’m heading home, destination Australia, soon be on my way, I’m Aussie bound
Down Under Men At Work
Do you come from a land down under, where women glow and men plunder
Every Little Bit Of Australia Slim Dusty
Every little bit of Australia is a little bit of you and me
Girt By Sea John Williamson
We’re a dirty great big island girt by sea
Good Morning Australia Bliss N Eso
Great Southern Land Icehouse
Great southern land, great southern land, you walk alone like a primitive man
HMAS Australia Redgum
Band keeps playing American songs from 1973, getting wise to the officer’s lie
I Am Australian Seekers
I am, you are, we are Australian
I’m Strictly Australian Rita Schneider
I’m strictly Australian, it’s my country and I love it, fair dinkum sheila and I’m so proud of it
I Still Call Australia Home Peter Allen
But no matter how far or how wide I roam, I still call Australia home
It’s Always Australia For Me Olivia Newton-John
And there’s no place that I’d rather be, yes, it’s always Australia for me
I Wanna Be An Aussie In Australia Rita Schneider
I wanna be an Aussie in Australia, I’d like to see some redbacks on the loo
Jack Off Australia Chris Franklin
Once a Pommy sailor found a land down under, called the place Australia when he finally got back
Keep Austraila Beautiful John Williamson
Peace is what will keep Australia beautiful
Livin’ In Australia Lee Kernaghan
We can’t use the hose cause it’s been too dry, but that’s nothing new livin’ in Australia
The March For Australia John Williamson
So fair dinkum, make a stand, try to love an ancient land
My Oath To Australia John Williamson
I believe in the ancient spirit of the Great South Land
Native Born Neil Murray
Australia, where are your caretakers gone? I am just one who has been battered by the damage within your shores
Nomadsland GANGgajang
I’m walking through time in Australia, two hundred years later
No Place On Earth Like Australia Slim Dusty
Oh there’s no place on Earth like Australia, sure and good old Oz is good enough for me
Not Quite Australian Colin Buchanan
We are dumb, and we are many, and from all the lands on earth we come, we’re handing in our resignations, cause I am, you are, not quite Australian
Nowhere Else But Here Pigram Brothers
If there is one place we’re all free to be, its nowhere else but here
Other Side Turin Brakes
Speeding through Australia, I’ve become time traveller
People Of Australia Midnight Oil
Yeah, people of Australia, sing this song, see many faces from many places, yeah
Sing Australia John Denver
In the sails on Sydney Harbour I can hear Australia sing
Singer From Down Under Slim Dusty
I’m a singer from Down Under and it isn’t any wonder that I like a can or two of Tooheys Old
Sounds Of Then (This Is Australia) GANGgajang
Laugh and think, this is Australia
Sunburned Country Olivia Newton-John & Keith Urban
In a sunburned country, forever will be home to me, oh that’s where my heart is truly free
Terror Australia Midnight Oil (feat. Alice Skye)
Speeding through Australia, I’ve become time traveller
This Is Australia Calling John Williamson
This is Australia calling, this is Australia calling
This Land Australia Ted Egan
Try to understand this land Australia, take her as she is, her moods, her mysteries
Up From Down Under Tommy Emmanuel
What Is Australia To Me? Kamahl

What is Australia to me?

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Click on a state or territory to continue:

New South Wales (Sydney + suburbs)
New South Wales (Towns A-L)
New South Wales (Towns M-Z)
Western Australia
South Australia
Australian Capital Terrirory
Northern Territory